Not All Bread is the Same

Germanwings_BrotzeitGermans are known for their great variety of excellent bread. So if you’re flying on a German airline, you should expect some kind of special bread.

That is what we out to ensure when we came up with the “bread-time story” concept for Germanwings. The idea was to create a unique type of bread for our airline customer and market it accordingly. Germanwings was sold from the start.
The bread was developed in cooperation with representatives from the airline and colleagues from our bakery in Munich. The result was wheat-rye bread with potato flakes, pumpkin seeds and onions. In fact, all the bread varieties offered by Germanwings are topped with fresh, vitamin-rich ingredients, making them a unique dining experience and a healthy snack at the same time.

The especially-created rye bread has proven to be very popular and its quality has been tested by the DLG (German Agricultural Society) and awarded the “Silver DLG Prize.” The test covers the appearance, crust properties, smell and taste of each product among other factors.

In Germany, LSG Sky Chefs has bakeries at its units in Frankfurt and Munich where our experts make fresh bread, rolls and other baked goods every day. Both of these bakeries produce each about 123,000 rolls (in more than 35 different varieties) and over 8,000 croissants (in various sizes) and roughly 1,250 fine bakery products, including pastries, Danish specialties and muffins, every day. The team in Munich also bakes about 275 loafs of bread (in 17 different varieties) every day.

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