UK Tax Strategy
The LSG Group
Parent Company: Global Airline Catering & Retail Invest Limited
Tax Strategy Introduction
The LSG Group is the quality and technology leader in airline catering and onboard retail. It has two strong, independent expert brands: LSG Sky Chefs as a global catering and hospitality specialist with the highest hygiene, quality and culinary standards for airlines. Retail inMotion is specialized in onboard retail, offering product innovation, retail management and end-to-end technology customized for the travel industry.
The LSG Group parent company is in the UK. The Group has an extensive network of joint ventures and partnerships around the globe. It operates with more than 20,000 FTE’s at 120 locations in 40 countries.
This document sets out the LSG Group’s approach with respect to its U.K. tax affairs. LSG Group considers that the publication of this statement complies with the requirements set out in Schedule 19 FA 2016.
Risk management & Governance
The LSG Group employs an experienced and dedicated team of tax professionals that collaborate with internal stakeholders to provide advice and guidance necessary to ensure compliance with relevant tax legislation and/or tax authority guidance.
The Head of Tax is based in London and reports to the CFO who is based in Germany. Where necessary, a matter will be escalated to executive management and, if appropriate, the Board of Directors (“Board”) of the parent company, who have ultimate responsibility for the governance and risk management of the LSG Group. The LSG Group will obtain external advice from reputable and experienced professionals if necessary. Diligent professional care and judgement is employed to assess tax risk, to arrive at well-reasoned conclusions concerning how risk should be managed. Decisions concerning risk will be made in a manner that is consistent with the LSG Group’s interpretation of relevant tax legislation and/or tax authority guidance. Compliance with relevant tax legislation and/or tax authority guidance is part of the LSG Group’s overall strategy and is considered when making business decisions.
Attitude to tax risk
The level of risk that the LSG Group accepts in relation to U.K. taxation is consistent with the risk tolerance applied in the conduct of other aspects of its business. The LSG Groupseeks to comply with relevant tax legislation and/or tax authority guidance and to act in a manner that upholds its reputation as a responsible corporate citizen and considers applicable corporate, regulatory and other legal statutes and fiduciary duties of directors and employees. In relation to any specific matter or transaction, the LSG Group will identify whether a tax risk exists that needs to be addressed, determines what action(s) should be taken to address the risk and ensures that action(s) is taken to address the risk. Where necessary, a matter will be escalated to executive management and, if appropriate, the Board.
Approach to tax planning
The LSG Group believes that it has an obligation to pay the amount of tax that it believes is due to each tax authority when it falls due. The LSG Group will consider planning to reduce risk and/or an amount of tax that may otherwise be due if such planning is consistent with the transaction’s commercial and economic objectives. Where appropriate theLSG Group will structure its affairs in a manner that is consistent with its commercial and economic objectives and that may allow access, based on its interpretation of relevant tax legislation and/or tax authority guidance, to incentives, exemptions and/or deductions available pursuant to relevant tax legislation.
Relationship with tax authorities
The LSG Group is committed to the principles of openness and transparency in its approach to dealing with all applicable authorities, including with all applicable tax authorities. The LSG Group intends that any interaction with a tax authority and other relevant authority will be conducted in a collaborative, courteous and timely manner and with an objective to resolve disputed matters on a timely basis. The LSG Group has a long-standing relationship with the U.K. tax authorities. Consistent with the commitments and intentions outlined above, the LSG Group’s interactions with the U.K. tax authorities are collaborative and courteous.